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Saturday, May 15, 2010

You Can Make Your Own Hair Care Products!

I finally have received and packaged up all the herbs necessary to create your own Herbal Vinegar Rinse or Herbal Hot Oil Treatment that is specifically targeted for your hair.

It is easy to create your own special blend of Herbal Vinegar Rinse and Herbal Conditioning Hot Oil Treatment All you will need is Apple Cider Vinegar from the grocery for your rinse. For your Herbal Conditioning Hot Oil you can use Olive Oil from your local grocer. If you want a lighter oil you can infuse your herbs into Apricot Kernal Oil or grapeseed oil if you want an even lighter oil. Usually you can find these oils in your local health food store. The only other thing you will need is a quart canning jar or a jar with a lid that has a rubber seal.

Each package of herbs has been carefully chosen for you. Now you can make your own Herbal Vinegar Rinse or Herbal Conditioning Hot Oil Treatment and save money. These packages include enough herbs to make 1 ½ gallons of Herbal Vinegar Rinse and/or Herbal Conditioning Hot Oil Treatment for less than the cost of 2-8 oz. bottles of already prepared Herbal Vinegar Rinse. You could also use the same blend of herbs to create a weekly conditioning hot oil treatment. Each order contains a brochure with the complete instructions on how to make your own Herbal Vinegar Rinse and Herbal Conditioning Hot Oil Treatment. Choose from these herbal packets:

Blonde Hair- contains chamomile, calendula, horsetail/shavegrass, nettles, lavender, lemon balm, comfrey, mullein and marshmallow root.

Brunette Hair- Rosemary, Sage, lavender, nettles, horsetail/shavegrass, Lemon Balm, peppermint, marshmallow root, calendula

Red Hair- nettles, horsetail/shavegrass, rose, hibiscus, lemon balm, peppermint, comfrey, plantain, ginger, sage & rosemary

Dandruff Blend-peppermint, arnica, cloves, juniper, lemongrass, nettles, horsetail/shavegrass, rosemary, comfrey, plantain, orange, licorice root, ginger, Dead Sea Salt and Tea Tree Essential Oil and Rosemary Essential Oil

You can order yours here: